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not much good with anagrams - an author (10) KJRRTNOIEL. help would be appreciated. thanks. happy easter to all
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1D (9) describing accumulated debris d-t--a-, 12A (7) encroach, collide with --p-n--, 13A (7) undrapes --v-a-s, 22A (7) fully gratify, 16D (8) insulating material -s-----s, 19D (7) not family viewing...
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brain not working this morning. help would be appreciated on the following: 1A (9) negative aspects --t-b----, 11A (9) grave, phlegmatic ----r-i-e, 17A (13) wicked disposition n-f-r---s-e--, 24A (4,5)...
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25A nimble (6) -d-o-t stuck on last one. help would be appreciated. thanks
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has anybody had a phone call from the above selling broadband etc. have tried to get more info on the net, but the company is not on. could it be a scam as they wanted bank details?
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stuck on this anagram clue: a fish 3,7 NDPAEEPRRS. any help would be appreciated
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stuck on last one 12D (11) lack of seriousness i?r?v?r?n?e thanks for any help
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stuck on last one. 24A (8) religious composition o-a-o-i-. help would be appreciated. thanks
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the answer is an anagram of letters PREULDE and the answer is a french city. any help would be appreciated thanks
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must be having a mental block. 20A (6) favour P-E-E-, 22A (6) fortune -E-L-H and 23A (4 and 4) refuge B-L- H-L-. thanks for your help
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stuck on last two. 17D (7) out of the normal place E-T-P-- 25A (9) concerned with government P-L-T---L thanks for your help
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the answer to the anagram is a french city. the letters are PREULDE. any help would be appreciated. thanks
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get to the point crossword. grills, barbecues (6) -ro---.thanks for any help
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last one 10A - the pride you might take in your city (5) c-v-c is it civic? thanks for any help
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stuck on last one 11A marine fish food (5) t-n-y. any help would be appreciated. thanks
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struggling on last one. 6D mound (5) k-o-l. help would be appreciated. thanks
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stuck on last two. 23A chaos (15) d-s-r-a---a-i-n 22D narrow aperture (4) begins with s. could it be slit or slot? thanks in advance
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what relation is ricky to janine in eastenders.don't watch it so help would be appreciated. thanks
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stuck on last 2, trying to watch tour de france as well so not thinking. 17D (7) abandon, give up f-r-a-e 20D (7) notion t-o-g-t thanks in advance
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mind gone plank 14D accurately, precisely (9) ?o?r?c?l? thanks

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