I would like to travel to Armenia (I think!), just because it's different and they have a very weird alphabet etc. Sounds exciting but I don't know anyone who has actually been there! Getting there...
I would love to be able to access The Answer Bank as an App on my iPhone or iPad. I can access the site via the iPhone browser but an App would be so much easier to use. Can anyone from The Answerbank...
It would be very interesting to me to be able to "follow" certain interesting and erudite contributors, a la Twitter, in the same way that I can currently follow question and answer threads. I could...
There are several contributors that regularly post very interesting questions, and/or erudite answers. Is there any way I can add them to a list of people to follow or do I have to remember their...
Hi! I am staying in Iceland for about 3 days later this month. I will be based in Reykjavik, and would like to know... 1. Are there guided city tours on foot, and if so has anybody got a link? 2. Can...
Some countries require your passport to be valid for some time after you leave their country (example South Africa website says "Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 30 days from the...
when I click Settings / Mail, contacts, calendars / Exchange on my iPad 2 I don't get the option to enter Server and all that good stuff that will allow me to sync my iPad calendar with my Outlook...
Hi I believe there is some free Wi-Fi at Gatwick North terminal, but it is restricted to 30 minutes. Someone told me there is another Wi-Fi point somewhere in Gatwick North that provides "unlimited"...
I have many USB disks, used for backups, transfers, etc. but I don't know of a good way of cataloguing them. I would like to produce text files such as... USB1-Drive-List.txt (containing the following...
Hi I just ran an 16Gb "Connect" thumb drive through a 40 degree wash cycle! What is the likelihood that it will still work (after I've left it to dry out)? I'm scared to try it in my computer in case...
I hardly ever watch my TV at home; I can get BBC through iPlayer on my iPad so I use that instead if there's any sport on. I'd really like Sky Sport for the Cricket and Rugby but only want to watch it...
I started a download on BBC iPlayer but it is going so slowly I want to stop it. I can only find a way to pause the download, whereas I want to stop it and delete what has already been downloaded. Is...
I am baffled by trying to keep my calendars in sync. I add an event to my iPhone calendar, and it appears fine on the iPad. If I add an event on the iPad, it doesn't automatically appear on the...
Re this problem: I looked at it for over an hour today and had no idea how to begin to solve it! It is a word sum problem, wherein SIT + WALK + TALK = ---------- CRAWL We are told that each word...
Is there an idiots guide to iTunes anywhere on the internet? I only want to use it to transfer music and audiobooks from my Windows laptop to my iPad and iPhone but this seems like a major operation...