10D Sophisticated - ?V?L?E. The only thing it can be is EVOLVE, is this another case of poor workmanship? EVOLVED yes, but EVOLVE!!!!!!!!
3 to get 113a Pursue - A?M / ??? (AIM FOR?), 106d Claptrap - ????M (HOKUM?) 5th letter of 113a is 2nd letter of 106d which would work. 68d Cushioned - A?S?R?E?T (probably ABSORBENT but just doesn't...
95D Puffs - GA??S I've seen this on here answered as GASPS, but surely that's wrong? A gasp involves an inhilation of air, a puff is entirely the opposite action and involves an exhalation of air....
3 to get 63D Animate - ?N????E (INSPIRE?) 73D Splash - S?ATTER (SPATTER or SMATTER?) 76A Small Songbird - ?????. The 2nd letter of 73D is the 1st letter of 76A the 5th letter of 63D is the 4th letter...
I might just have my stupid head on this morning but can't get this at all, 118A Short-lived ?A?A?I?E also 9D Stand-up comedian ?I?M? am I right in saying LIMMY?
65a Brewing ingerdient - H??T
I thought it was HOPS, but 47d Receive Willingly A?C?P? can only be ACCEPT and the last letter of 47d is th last letter of 65a
73d Sobbed - GREETED has to be the answer to this as all the letters are part of other words but how in the name of everything that's sane can this possibly relate to the clue? To Greet is a slang...
2 I'm not sure of today, just don't seem right, 69d Exuberant - A?U?D??T (ABUNDANT), 117d Split - T?A? (TEAR). For 68a Royal Insignia - ?E??L?? I have REGALIA (A for 69d) and 116a Needed - ?A???D I...