i invited a lady friend back to my flat (bedsit) today for an ovaltine, we were gazing into each others eyes and i could feel the electricity between us ( though it may have been the loose wire...
i had some spearmint sweets today from a charity sweetbox, they took me back to my childhood straightaway, but it got me thinking...... were pacers the same as spearmint sweets??
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, hapy birthday dear cobra, happy birthday to you!!! Have a smashing day today hun! Lots of love from me and the girls! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am trying to design a garden shed that will make the most of an awkward shape garden. The space I have available is like a right angled triangle. The easiest roof would be a pent, but this means...
I am in a right pickle. I was sent on a training course through work, stayed at a lovely hotel and met a gorgeous guy who was also staying in the hotel at the same time. We got chatting in the bar (I...
down at the the local woman's institute bring and buy sale she was selling fruit scones and our eyes met over the Tupperware boxes, i took her to my local bingo club and we had pie and chips on the...