I didn't know which heading to place this under. The tumble dryer is in my daughter's shed and it is not possible to see the plate on which is written the wattage etc, It is a Creda, But assuming the...
Find a house for sale, near you, which you think we might like to buy ... ... It must typifies your area ... town, seaside, rural cottage or whatever. Here is my offering ... a very jolly townhouse,...
Just heard on the radio that Teddy Prendergast has died. Mmm, I thought, he's a bit young - a few years younger than I, what a shame. Then I realised I was thinking of Teddy Sheringham. Teddy...
Disraught farmer finds all his cows frozen in snow. He prays to God for help. A woman appears & puts her arms over the icey cows. They immediately defrost. "Thank you" says the grateful...
WALK MILE is written underneath WALK and the letters are written with the M on one line the I above on another line, the L down on same line as M and the E up again on same line as L hope this...
Hi, One of my neighbours has a car whose road tax expired at the end of December. He reckons he's got a month's "grace period" to renew it. Is that correct? I was under the impression that a...