For anyone wqho is doing this one have you found that at least two of the questions have to have the same answer? I am thinking of questions 4 and 29 in particular. Possibly also 1 and 27.
Just one left. the answer is a fish, Angle twice 5-4. I can only think of angel fish as a pretty obvious anagram but don't understand the clue. Any ideas appreciated.
Hi stuck on the last three and time is running out!! All answers are food or drink items. Hit and Mix 7 Possibly in a pack 8 (The answer is not sandwich) Note hot dog 7 (it is not sausage) Thanks for...
The answer is an item of food or drink. Mix socially. 6 letters. Also can anyone tell me how to put a photo on my profile to replace the default avatar? Gone on to edit my profile but can't see a way...