I have a Braun Electric toothbrush which is presumably charged magnetically because there are no visible metal output connections on the charger unit. If the toothbrush is not receiving a charge when...
I remember seeing an article some time ago about the population in an African village who have evolved having two fingers and a thumb on each hand. Was this a fact or a hoax.
I have seen the quiz "Two Hundred and Sixty-Five plus 45 5 Times 25. Add the numbers" being run on satellite channels 139 and 199, with big cash prizes for several days. I've had worked out all...
I often wondered why it has not been possible to design a sailing ship to move not by the sails catching the wind but by rotating the propellers by wind power.
Everyone I speak to wonders why Lyndford Christie, the greatest sprinter London has produced is sidelined in the 2012 Olympic celebrations. I recall his nandrethol taking accusation was squashed. He...