Do you feel lucky ? Or inspired ? Can you guess Monday's links given saturday's shaded solutions ? Noboday has managed 4 out of 4 yet, could this be the week, and might you be the one ? We have an...
Many of you are old hands at this already. This week would be an excellent one for new contestants to start as it's the beginning of our new scoring system courtesy of crofter, so if you want to be...
Saturday comes round awfully quick these days. Many of you will know the drill already, for anyone new looking in, the idea is to predict Monday's Herculis link words based on todays shaded solutions...
5d a steep artificial slope in front of a fortification, i think I have the answer but it doesn't fit with 21 a, American oil magnate. Please help, one of my answers must be wrong.
Yes it's that time again, week five of the fiendishly difficult guessing game. For those who've not entered before it's a chance to become an Answer Bank Legend, can you be the first person ever to...
Can anyone give me the answers to last week's Speedy crossword please? 5 down Boneheaded and 9 across Scuttle. I haven't been able to buy the Observer today to check the answers. Thank you.