Last 4Please can you help Film & Television What is the significance of the numbers 5 3 22 14 19 30 44 Word play Word that connects : Paper - Table Sweet - Broken Key - Walk Word that can go before or...
4d Professor experienced fall I have -L-M-E- which could be PLUMPED, SLUMPED, or FLUMPED (or something else?:-) Can't make sense of this clue. Please can someone enlighten me as to which and why? Need...
I have one puzzle left to do in this mag which is giving me trouble 1a Thrust a knife (4) 2a Pleasant (4) 3a On leeward side of ship(4) 4a Cheeky(4) 1d Break(4) 2d Square slab(4) 3d Maple tree(4) 4d...
Hello any help with these last two?
33a Marsupial known collectively as a mob or troop? 8ltrs K?A?A?A?
36a Common name for a papiliaeceous garden cottage plant in the pea family? 5ltrs L?P?N...
Why do crossword compilers copy clues. In the last three days three of the puzzles I have done have had the same clue. Name the spin off series from Bufy the Vampire answer Angel, why do the do it.