stuck on last few (29a) evade work or duty (5) (47d) matter of contention (5) ?s?u? (63d) use bad language (5) ?u?r? (69a) produce a favourable effect on (7) ?m?r?s? (112a) harasses, persecutes (8)...
Stuck on these two clues. Any help appreciated please.
20A: List some numbers to choose from ?E?? (4)
19D: Break out into pure upheaval E???T?O? (8)
Thanks in advance....
1.where is the majority of the gold held in the usa? unelected group of village elders in nw india often responsible for issuing draconian measures? 3.saint deris, yokoama, berlin, what is the...
23d) Theres no comeback once youve bought it(3,3,6) One ??? ?????? 6d) Elegant description of the Princess of old Hollywood,perhaps(8) ?r??????l 28a) 28a) After ten the boxers floored and Docs not...
Hi, Stuck on these two:
29 Across A language of the Niger-Congo family (5) S?A?I
12 Down Vicious dogs, especially mongrels (4) C??S
Thanks in advance for any suggestions...
1d Must be frightful with the French so stressed (10)
?o?m?d?b?e. Only word I can think of is FORMIDABLE, but I dont get the logic of it. Any help please...