3/4d not headline material , there s now breaking more
- t - e - / - e - s
17d create a nuisance as surfers might like to do
- a - - / - a - e -
21a a test of some complex ambiguity
- - a -...
Only one answer to get, 21a love bird. Initially, thought it was dove, but this does not fit in with 15d, which I am sure is chances, anagram of NEC cash. Two possibilities have already been given,...
thin (porcelain) 8 ?g?s?n?l. 50a, brief 5-5 short/l???d 49d, artists pigment jar 5,3 ????t/?o?, many many thanks. hope you all have a happy new year all the best.
6 down, Idealistic peace-keepers surround ruined patio ??O?I?N, I have put UTOPIAN so would welcome any advice. 5 across, Start of a meal around middle of day, L???C? I have put LAUNCH, (LUNCH) so...
Stuck on last three clues. 8a-things drifting, not turned round by board (8). ?l?n?t?n. 9a- in reception (2-4), a?-h?m? (at home?). 22a-discrimination shown by second divorcee one's married (6)....
12 across another name for the larynx . ?o?c?b?n 32 across s african term meaning to harness animals to a vehicle , yoke . i?span 39 down in hindu mythology the ambrosia of the gods that bestows...
1. The design of roads, bridges etc (5,11) ????? Engineering 2. Assessment of the state of affairs (3,4,2,2,) The ?i?????? 3. Device demonstrating changes in voting intention (11) S?I???????? 4....