1a,removable furniture protection,5,6,?o???,covers 3d,restive,fickle,??I????? 10a,place occupied by a person or thing,p?e???o? 14a,of colours,look wrong together,?t??? 16d,request formally,?????...
1a,a launch at sea,?????? 2d,burst of emotion having raised bottom of trousers,5,2, ??a?e ?? 3d,open finished on time,??e?t 4d,ultimate ban on wrecking distant peak,5,8,??b?e,???n?a?? 12a,Greek god of...
18d,continually demanding,I?????e?t
22d,nastiness ill-will,?????
23d,malicious destruction,?a?o?a?e
24a,out of date,????e,
29a,having made a will,????a?e,is it probate...
shouldn't have to ask this one, but spent 30 minutes looking for answer...
26 down
former name of an ugrian peopleliving in NW Siberia east of the Urals, also called Khanty
2d,allude to,m?n???? 4d,harsh in self-discipline,a?????? 5d,impartiality e????? 6a,stained,marred,????????? 14a,state of being arranged in a row,a???n???? 15a,bountiful,????????? 16a,stretch,l???????...
15d,dignify sending back the Spanish hat unfinished,??n???e
19d,old coin put away in pipe,d???t
20a,strong nets round at back,?t?l?a?t
21a,island copper to graduate,????...
3d,odd sniper near Italian city,s???a 5a,paganism in this place,extremely scary,h???s? 6d,almond biscuit ordered at a fair,??t???? 8a,feel good about backward leer,?g?? 11a,note colour of hidehi...