1a,refuse fathers drink 4,2,????,?? 4d,hairstylist s method as an enduring farewell,9,4 ?????????,???e 5d,slide in disorderly confusion,6-7,??????-??????? 18a,walking finding little time for...
1a,injure the pride of,????l???? 1d,science of liquid conveyance,??d?????c? 38d,render poorer in quality by adding another substance,?d?l?e?a?? 57a,registration,??r?l????...
25a. The United States is a right variation of an even bigger state (6)???s?a 27a. You'll identify them in short by what they wear, gotta be gangsters (8) 28a Could such gratification comply with a...
23 DOWN:- Rooms to relax in when there's some sudden sickness. "?E?S" Could the answer be "MESS," as in the army mess room? I can't see the connection with sudden sickness, or could the answer be...
37d,private,Noel coward play,l????
43d,premolars neighbour in the mouth,3_5,???,?o?th
47a,boyfriend or girlfriend informally,??use???e...
1d,person in charge of a sporting event,?????I???r
2d,drug. With a calming effect ,?????I??
3d,publicity notice,?????t
24d,ear of grain,s?I??
15A. They'll emerge to fill gaps and all that (4) S?B?.
19D. They write what they feel, it's said rightfully about them (8) D???P?T?.
Thank you for your help...
1a,try your hand,give it a whirl,4,1,4,??v?,??,?t?? 1d,residential pampering. Place,6,4,??????,??? 3d,bottomless pit,????? 16a,willing to adapt ??e???l? 24a,free from duties or...