Cannot finish please help 23a more extended bias riled widely ??I?D??? 25a hard to record music for jazz fans ??P?A?? 27a address in Scotland has been read out A?O?A? 17d sing about identical top lost...
Scotsman - cryptic - Monday 4 June 'Have a number of options on the way in a crisis' 2,3,10 ??, ???, ???s???a?? Also - 'Did a steward turn up with a New Testament?' 9 ????????t Thanks in anticipation....
Will I kill the flowers in the garden if I water them with the washing-up water which contains waste stuff from the plates but more importantly a dish washing liquid? Is the dishwashing liquid poison...
4d,crooked lawyer is her ok,piece of graffiti 6,3,4,k???o?,???,?e?e 6d,embassy calling,m???I?n 9a,hold sir out for page as noble title,??r???I? 12a,little time for small fish,?I?n? 18a,hoped sir could...
Double Quiz and Anagrams in aid of the Hospice at Home. The answer to each is an anagram of the other ie 1760 / Citrus fruit = Mile / Lime. The numbers denote the numbers of letters in the answer.
5d,pointless mark made when playing the game,s???t???n?I??
9a,leant on a building in early life,n???a?a?
14a,Catholic service providing range,??s?I?
23a,viewer permitted a loophole,??e?e?...
10 across village near carstairs sounds like bugle for former deputy PM . ???g?o?n 5 down harris peak sometimes paired with oreval . u????al 4 across ayrshire village between cumnock and glenbuck ....