1d. The spectacle of one apologising? (5-5)
2d. Part of the gun the shopkeeper holds (5)
9a. Pass on information about a nobleman (7)
7A How any properly run railway is operated (2,3,5,5)...
91a, make a ???? ??? of, mess up [4,3] ???s ?a?
75d, immoral and unpleasant [6] s?s???
81d, flying defence service [inits] [3] r?m
thanks in advance...
Last three any help please....
48a Have ambition towards a goal (6) ?S?I?E
90d Military overalls (8) F?T?G???
112a Departed (6) E?I???
Many thanx in advance...
(42d) lacking energy (8) s?u???s?
(56a) boast, brad (4,3) t?l?/ b??
(75a) for both men and women (6) ??i?e?
(91a)not prepared (7) ???e?d?
thanks for any help...
Well known sayings: grateful for assistance with the following, length of words is given in brackets. 1) L.S.O.A.D.( 2) A.T.O.B.I.A.J.F. ( 3) L.M.T.F. ( Many...