2d flying Amy died alas after sending this (6) m???a? 18d worrying about small distance measured (7) e?s?i?g 16d bliss perhaps found in competition puzzle when sharing quietly (8) ?o?p?s?r is it...
Stuck on some interlocking clues 6d composer in spasm commonly jumping up (7) p???i?i is it Puccini? 14a starts to probe suspect held in cage here? (3,4) ??x/?h?? 7d ninth month complete allow for...
7 down. Kidney's eaten by children? A little r???l, 21 down. Could be carpet sag in an advanced state. ?i?t?n, 24 down. What's explosive for a multinational?
Stuck on last two 4d after less than a month beds trees (8) a?r?c??? 13a in- house work getting around newspaper computer department's conflict (8) d?s?n???
Stuck on a couple to finish 49a Old people have permission to answer (4) m?y? 56a Receiving no allowance, ready to withdraw (7) s?r?t?t and 47d Botching of Hamlet initially getting Shakespearean...
Stuck on last few 35a officer material? There's article on that in journal (5,8) ??N??/???G???? 26a home divided into two? not very inspired (7) ??h???d