We'd see less drunkenness on our streets, chavettes having child after child and living on benefits would be frowned on. The birch, or its Islamic equivalent, would reduce the casual violence that...
8d Surveying instrument formerly used for measuring distances and heights(6,5) - A - O - S/ - T -
17 d Any of the greater gods especially Zeus(8) - L - - - i - N...
He wrote a poem which contains the line: 'He knelt and kissed the hand that killed his son...'
I think the poem deals with the difficult process of reconciliation after war. Anyone know its title?...
Their wages weekly halving Their women stewing grass When I go out each morning in one of my new suits I want to see them fawning to clean my car and boots The Old Etonians hoping to form the next...
There's a question in the Mail about Papal infallibility. I always thought when he spoke ex cathedra, from the chair, he couldn't be wrong.
Some people are answering this as en cathedra. Am I wrong?...