15a Roomy five-door vehicle (7,5) ?T?????,????? 22a Enthusiastic receptions (8) O???i??? 24a Struggle with stock? (6) ?????N 8d Increasingly rare means of communication (8) beginning with P Apologies...
8d Surveying instrument formerly used for measuring distances and heights(6,5) - A - O - S/ - T -
17 d Any of the greater gods especially Zeus(8) - L - - - i - N...
nothing can inspire such fear for very long
something that may bounce like ball in test up and down
declare for example this clue devoid of content
5 across transpositions of the initial consonants or consonant clusters of pairs of words s--o-e---m- 11 across gaudy flashy -h-w---s- 4 down combination of style and vigour e-a- many thanks in...
Mos Sir Lancelot. 12 down Like some numbers if entrant is exercising (11 letters) 16 down It is unknown, repeatedly black inside, and tiny (4 and 5 letters) Many thanks for nay help on thesetwo !!...
Help, please, I am stuck on one, and cannot find the answer. 47a Word puzzle or poem in the form of an acronym, (8). _L_O_T_C Thanks in advance for any solutions.