12a Action produced by each class being given the cane, perhaps(11) - E --- R - - - - -
15a How a tailor might do as he wishes (4,7) - U - T / - - - S - - -...
Where does it say that the right to the enjoyment of a family life should stop criminals being deported from the UK? There seems nothing to stop them taking their family with them when they go.
...and downloaded it onto my iPlayer. Now I'm getting a message that the iPlayer is corrupted. Could the music have brought with it a virus? Probably a stupid question, I know.
A young family member is now living in a care home following an accident which resulted in serious head injuries. He is claiming housing benefit to help pay the costs of his accommodation. I've just...
Reports are suggesting that he acted alone. I wonder how a lone madman managed to get a detonator and a booster, usually a small amount of high explosive, for the bomb he made?