HI All, I've been silly. I bumped a car in a car park a few weeks ago and then drove off - I was having a bad day and I know this is no excuse... In fact I felt really bad about it and I wanted to...
A close friend's ten year old daughter has been diagnosed with cancer and is in hospital too far awayf or me to get to (and she is not really feeling like visitors anyway) When I first heard I sent a...
of God is happening. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20080704/tuk -killed-youth-forced-to-drink-petrol-6323e80.h tml Is there no limit to this? Is there no end to the horror that people are...
I said last weekend that I loved legends and nonutts posts on here and since then they have been nasty to me and so have the rest off you. So I will have to break the bad news to you. I am leaving,...
Just sitting here chilling out to jack savoretti , and it got me thinking. When youre online you assume an internet persona. Now it may be very similar to your offline one , but thats doubtful. Even...
Thomas Beattie has given birth to a baby girl, first man to give birth!! Not possible for men to give birth,"He" is biologically a woman apparently he regrets not being able to breastfeed as "he" has...
hi all, i need some help. i am in kind of a wierd situation and i just need some insight on what im doing means.. basically i need to know what it means if you kiss someone. is there a way where you...
How can i tell which way my garden is facing? The early morning sun hits the bottom of my garden and spreads across the rest of the garden so that by noon until late afternoon the entire garden is...
i was just driving in to tesco when i saw a man drop a banana skin out of his car window . he then drove around the car park to the exit. meanwhile a women picked up the banana skin and before the man...
What is the wierdest dream you can rmember? I'm going to start off and cheat with my mother's recurring childhood nightmare. She would dream of cats made of green jelly that would come up from under...
Hi - Im 39 weeks pregnant (any day now hopefully!) Weve picked out the name Keira for if its a girl but I cant seem to think of a middle name that will go nicely with Keira - any ideas???
EIGHTH PERSON TO POST WHAT COLOUR OF WASHING UP LIQUID THEY HAVE IN THEIR KITCHEN WINNNNNNNNNSSS ( btw im trying to get back to fun threads like the abed and others all really really really want )...
OK people what's with all the arguing? This site is meant to be a question and answer site with a chat category. The AnswerBank is NOT a place to offend people, insult people nor is it a place to...