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do u have a big family or an small one? do you like it? what advantages and disadvantages do you have? do you like your family? what do you think the word family means?
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are you a flirt? do you like people flirting with you? is it just good fun? or does it get on your thruppeny bits??
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if u and a few work pals all put a pound in every week for the lottery then 1 week 1 of them didnt pay their pound and u won the jackpot,would u share it with them?
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I trust you are all well?
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Are the Cameras that they put behind unmarked police cars on tripods speed cameras or do they look at number plates and check tax? The camera unit is about the side of a 1 litre paint can on a tripod....
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gday, just got an alfa 33 ,94 . I'm trying to find out ways to increase the peformance any Ideas ? ive looked at a chip that claims to add 20 BHP just wondering if it works . Thanks
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does anybody know the best way to bring matt alloy wheels up to showroom standard, l know about `elbow grease` but is here any other ways or top tips
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Do men find it attractive if a girl blushes? (er, blatantly showing she fancies you!) I think it's quite cute on guys...
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Or did you just not bother? I made it about 3? miles before I decided ''screw this''.
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Really bugging me - what was the name of the character, she was one of the team, and she was murdered but managed to leave enough clues so the others could find her murderer? I think it was a girl's...
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My girlfriend is always right. How does that work?
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My girlfriend always tells me to have the window open in the bathroom when having a shower to let the steam out. I say the cold air coming in Especially this time of year will cause more. Who is right...
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Kelly Jo
I have recently moved out of London for a variety of reasons. One of the contributing factors was the number of youths hanging around locally at the shops and on the trains. An example was going to...
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Do some people use terminal illnesses as excuses for sympathy? "Oh look at me, pity me, I'm dying"
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The headlights are angled up too high and making people think I am on full beam. The angle adjuster inside the car does not affect the angle at all. Any tips?
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I would like to replace my Radio/Tape player in my car with a Radio/CD player. I control the radio from the steering wheel ,do I need to have a particular connection on a new system to continue this...
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Does anyone know where I can get the official stats (i.e. 0-60, BHP, MPG) for the Vauxhall Astra SRi 2.0 1999 T Plate?
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which would you choose to have if you had to!! 1. flu 2. migrain 3. back ache 4. tooth ache 5. racism lecture and full english with jade goody?
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I know she does not like flowers, any ideas? nothing tacky. Only had one date, seeing her next week and want to get her a treat. Thanks Nate!

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