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Any idea where this comes from? Love those shrieking vocals - if it hasn't been released as a novelty single, it should be!  
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Material used for the outside facing of a building (8)    --A-D-N-      
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Does anyone know who wrote this piece of music? It's played on the violin and used a lot in silent movies/comedy shows to indicate mock sympathy, and is the reason we play air violin when we think...
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I don't get it. He leaves home to go to work and work is 'at home' albeit a studio. What point are they trying to make? I know that this isn't 'meaning of life' important, but I need to know.
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does anyone know of a charity that collects used postage stamps?
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Anyone got any good recipes for vol au vent fillings - preferably ones that don't involve complicated cooking?
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My mother-in-law says i shouldn't put white bread out for the birds as it is bad for them. Is this true? also what about the tired old argument about if you can't put food out every single day then...
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I have a cat that I rescued from Battersea and before we left I noticed two lumps underneath it. They are situated on the belly area I suppose just next to the rear legs. The vet assured us it was...
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Over the past few months, my cat (nearly 18) gradually lost her appetite. She was eating less and less until over Christmas, she had almost starved herself to death. She was incredibly thin and...
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David H
Sorry to be gross, but when I was young there was a little song 'It's wet and it's runny and it's not very funny, di-arrhoea' etc. Does anyone know the other verses which I know exist but never...
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What is your favourite word?
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Please can someone tell me what ARP messages are?

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