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I am 20 years old and recently found out I am pregnant, I've been upset about it since i am in the middle of college, and a coop. I also do not have a good relationship with the father. We broke up,...
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just wondering if this section is purely a chat section now? only asked as was going to post some b&s related questions but would probably get attacked :) x
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who do u feel you are most like on ab!.? oh and ONE person ONLY !!
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I'm taking over a coffee shop next week and I want to introduce some new ideas and make it a reall ynice place to chill, hang out and relax with friends. What do you like best about good coffee shops?...
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A girl at school has a mole on her face, and I have noticed that as a treatment of some kind, she has had large stitches put in it. What does this do?
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I realise that this isnt the most appropriate section, but I have found the abers in Body and Soul are happy to be helpful, candid and give plenty of opinions so here goes... My housemate and I are...
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How can I put one image on top of another image?
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I'm on a roll tonight -posting loads of goes. Is it accepable/unacceptable for full-time working parents to expect weekend evenings in front of the TV with a bottle of wine if...
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what (if anything) has made you happy today? I've just had a fabby phone conversation with a good friend and it has made me sooooo smiley and happy. We didn't even talk about anything hugely important...
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Hi All, Mainly for dot, but all answers welcome, I love good quality shoes,leather uppers & soles,they are the first thing I notice on other blokes, I clean my shoes every day although I am a building...
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So I decided that I was going to be abit more healthy at work, as everyone is always eating cakes and biscuits etc, so I popped down the charity shop and bough a nice granny-ish cut glass fruit bowl....
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Hey there all well things not been great of late, although passing my driving test means i am able to be more mobile in looking for work. I have a few things that are a problem at the mo and would...
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Last Sunday I fell and I twisted my knee, it is still no better and now wearing a support, apparently my knee is very swollen though I cant see any difference from the other one!!!!! It is constatntly...
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My sister has a real problem waking up in the morning. She has about 4 different alarm clocks going off at the same time, and she still sleeps through them all, sometimes up to an hour! She geniuinly...
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Hiya, just wanted to know your thoughts on the whole 'love at first sight' thang. Do you believe? The reason why I'm asking, is that a very close friend of mine has met a new beau, she is head...
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What was your favourite toy as a child? Mine was Pippa dolls. Have you looked on Ebay to see if your favourite toy/game is still available?! It is quite COSMIC to see all the old 60s/70s/80s toys...
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My friends have just emailed me this. Tell me your stripper name! It's just a bit of fun... I'm Fantasia Leather Tush :o) 1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name: a...
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Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone knows a good substitute for salt. I use it on everything an really would like to cut back or find something else completely.
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I have a friend that has a mobile phone from 4 years ago, he won't change his mobile and i think he looks sad! I believe this is a massive turn off to ladies, what do you think guys/gals?
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what can i do to improve my appearance? are cords a no no for instance?

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