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the comic strip actually. I missed this tonight-is it to be repeated again?
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I want to look like Irish heart throb Shane McGowan. Does anyone know who his dentist is? Ive been told that if I want teeth like Shanes, I'd best stick with the NHS. Opinions please.
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What is the dumbest/daftest thing you have ever done? I got thrown off a train by the police, 5 miles out of Chicago with Mr Sunflower for doing something I cannot say. Was rude (use your...
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My Autistic daughter will only drink Hot Chocolate, we do ration her, but I was wondering what effect too much might have on her, I really don't know, and locally, no-one else seems to, but its...
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well to my surprise we r getting on surprisingly well again lol he came into work n said hey n i left him to do wot he did and then he came and found me to help me put out soon things on the selves...
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this is not going exactley well atm. in o dear part 1 i added a bit at the bottom saying wot happened yesterday because we decided to go into the town me n him had a brilliant day and well i think i...
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Who here has the honour of working on Christmas Day?!?!?! I have been bestowed that honour this year and have a lovely 11-5 shift ahead of me! I think i am on double time but does anyone know if this...
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I was kicked out of a good corporate job two years ago for having this condition and have not worked for two years. I am now ready to work again as the right medication has been found at last, but no...
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theres this guy at work ive got reli close to hes lovely n we get on really well and have a gr8 laugh the trouble is i think ive started to like him more than just a mate and for new year hes asked me...
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Does anyone know anything about the law and taxi drivers...I live very close to a city centre and find that many try and take advantage by inflating prices and refusing to go on the meter. Are they...
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Hey!Are there any degree courses in palaeontology that are available to study in the UK.Thanx
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Hiya My little boy loves to dance, do you think i should maybe take him to a dance school. Or is he a bit young. Or is there any other activities i could take him for. Little girls always seem to go...
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I'm not very good in the kitchen!!! Can someone please tell me how to cook the turkey and most importantly keep the meat MOIST!!! mine is always as dry as a stick.
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How do you know when to stop giving a relationship more chances?
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I have posted this on the Food & Drink topics, but I'm not sure if I will get a reply. Did anyone watch the Channel 4 Dispatches programme about What's in your Christmas Dinner? If you did, can...
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aka pixi
Yesterday at work, the machine me and my mate were on broke down. We had nothing to do so decided to take some waste plastic to the shredder. There are 3 shredding machines in a big room. Now normally...
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Is it possible to be married and to meet someone (of the opposite sex) who you get on so well with that they become your new best friend? Or does that not happen, because your wife/husband should...
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just eaten cornflakes with milk now i have a bad taste in the back of my throat ,like a small burning felling ,how can i get rid of it
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My husband wanted a new credit card holder for christmas, not a wallet just a small just for credit cards. I have been just about everywhere and can't get hold of one, has anyone seen any and if so...
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for how long has a brush been in use that would reduce its plaque removing abilty up to 30 per cent than a new one?

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