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in a mo
Do you know what it means if your No2 floats ,although we have watched these programmes many times the answer never seems to go in . Thank you
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following on from my salmon poist, I was wondering if it was possible to cook sweet potatoes in the microwave, like you would a jacket potato?
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I saw my rhumatologist yesterday and she said that my x-rays had shown up something on my sacro-iliac joints and she wants me to go for an MRI. Has anyone any idea what could have shown up on the...
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if you use tampons does your period not last as long. and if yes it would only be by a day or so wouldn't it?
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I know it seems silly, but it's one thing I have not tried, I think I need to try and date someone who is compatible with my sign, if you believe in the signs what would you suggest? No jokes, I'm...
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Can you cook salmon in the microwave? Any thing you have to do to it to cook it successfully this way?!
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At times of stress or upset ,which I'm under now, I do a sort of sucking thing with my mouth. Lips closed, I can't explain it ,even tho i'm doing it now. Wot does it mean ?
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I am a 39 year old man abused as a child mentally, physically and sexually. I've been depressed for as long as I can remember. I finally got away from my parents aged 28. Since then I've somehow...
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What would you think if your boyfriend or girlfriend bought some poppers for you as a surprise?
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Why do we peel our spuds ? Ive just done a fair few for mash tonight but surely, once cooked, the skins are the best bit ? We leave the skins on for wedges, jacket spuds, new potatoes and even some...
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I keep getting hiccups almost everytime I eat,and sometimes when I have a cigarette.This has been happening for the about last 2 months. I hardly ever got them before,Ive not changed diet or...
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i had a steroid injection in my ankle joint today and have gone to the loo several times already to pass water,are steroids a diruetic?
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Years ago I had a kind of wedge foam seat, which opened out to a single bed. I am looking for something similar but I have no storage space. Basically I need to put up a friend on a regular basis in...
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does anyone know of any treatment that relieves the symptoms of tennis elbow? ice? heat packs? thanks x
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What will popular music be like in 100 years time? Will todays music in the year 2109 be as outdated as are songs of the early 20th century are to us now?
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I am getting desperate here as I can hardly see - how can I darken icons at top for example File Edit View Favorites Tools Help - they are nearly fading away
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I would so appreciate your views! I have a new best friend who happens to be male. We have been inseperable for the past 2 months. I don't fancy him and he doesn't fancy me. So why does it really...
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Recently I've been severely constipated and can never finish off my visit to the bog. I was thinking about buying laxatives to encourage my passengers to depart the station. Are they safe? Do they...
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Has your experience with the NHS service been good or bad?
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I am trying to find out the name of the theme of the bird flying, in Watership Down! Have looked online and can't find it anywhere! it is very chromatic. Any ideas?

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