hi ive been trying to find a song for a while don't know the title or artist. i gave up trying to find it and was recently in malia and heard it agai, its a house tune with a girl and a boy singing...
Heard this at Global, has a female opera singer style 'ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhh' going on over a dance beat. I just found this video which it's playing in the background on if anyone can help. Thanks...
there was an early rave tune that i used to hear which sang the words ecstacy, ecstacy and a wierd vocal in it. always remember grooverider playing it with mcp as his mc. does anyone know the track
i saw a programme on after school when i was younger, there were lots of people in it (children/teens i think) and they were running away from these kids they knew that had glowing green eyes. Sounds...
Have you ever come across a book that turns out to be an unexpected gem? I've just read Nights At The Circus by Angela Carter and would recommend it to anyone who fancies reading a novel with a...
has any1 seen this fil it is wicked but will put you off alot of things f0r life if u r a big fan of rollercoasters do not watch this film you wont go on one ever again i promise ya????
Any glowstringers/poi artists here or know any good tips? I recently saw a girl doing what i think was poi (but without the fire) and it really inspired me to try it or something similar. I looked at...
A lesbian fancies other girls, a gay man other men, Hetrosexuals fancy opposite sex and Bi-sexuals go for both. But does anyone know of any people that just dont fancy anyone, dont get turned on by...
Does anyone remember that childrens programme from the 90's where the teams would compete and they would go up into the lift to different rooms to play games? one game involved alphabet soup or...
This might sound really pathetic and silly. I know i'm going to make a right fool out of myself here, but guys, is it natural to have a slight crush on your sister in law ? I'm single by the way.
i am 17 m , i have a wonder and i want to know if that is true or falsei heared before that most of women are bisexual and have desire for both sexe, unlike straight men " most men " feel nasty and...
I think the site could really benefit from a thread to post questions on how to do things, eg learning new skills. I want to post a couple of questions on the site about learning braille and...