1)what is your natural hair colour 2)for the girls-jeans or skirts 3)for the guys-shirts or polo's/ t's 4)how many telly's do you have 5)how many hours in front of the telly per day 6)how old were you...
Good to see that everything has calmed down on here now. Why can't everyone just be friends? I tried to intervene with some words of wisdom, but you can't get through to some people on here. I hope...
any amount of money that the grimm twins are furiously phoning and emailing the ed or other staff from this site to clean it up! what a pair of babies! well it looks like ive got rid of them,if they...
The streaming on iraq goals has screwed up, so I cant watch the arsenal match on there at the moment, so I will have to try and find something to say on here. I dont like fish and did you know that it...
When you were a kid watching wrestling on world of sport on a saturday afternoon, you know jackie pallo, sick mcmannas (scusee speeling) giant haystacks (shirly you cant be serious crabtree). Cant...