7d quid pro quo, as stock exchange would go(4,5)?v?n,?r?d? 5d jeer endless notice turned down as one(9)?e?e?t?o? 20a jim carrey played truman , true picture his mendacioud antithesis please, on the... ...
1d she,ll make sailing plain with her head of steam in the main(6-4)???h?r-?h?i 6d as honest as one can be, to put it cruelly(8)?????l?y 8a land of the free, they chant clearly... more like that of... ...
18a what a start to be got, only once and never forgotten, now thats a scary one(3,6,2,4,4)???,f???h?,????,??,???? 16d funded roof repair brought to a final conclusion.. like the final... ...
23d ripleys- believe it or not-second close encounter with what?(6)????n? 22a cricketer at the crease has it in hand to continue(3,2or 5)???,o? 17d draw different words,perhaps, to show your... ...
18a hed been looking down on us forever- like a lunatic- till we knew better(3,3,2,3,4)the,???,??,???,???? 5d neverminding the media or even a smile.. must be unforthcoming by a... ...
19d whoever gets credit in personal accounting(3,5) the, ???e? 20a some dirty need, indeed, so it was, to have carried coals to newcastle(4)?y?e 26d its just a ruse out of line on line,... ...
9a eight nine ten and thats your lot nailed down in a phrase(5,5,6)g?i?g, ?o?n?,?o?? 27a must they not be in form, at any age, as followers of form(8)s???e?s? 29a sounds vulgar for the god fearing... ...
18a holy mary Saddams belligerent boast, remember the mmetaphor?(6,2,3,4)?o????,??,???,w??? 5d what, on a heavily rainy day, king charles may wel play ... on seahorses(5,4)?a?e?,???? 16d how one... ...
23d ... full of drink.. (6)l????? 29a better than a cigarette, yet awful dope when back to smoke?(4)??o? 26d but this would sound like a beverage for a clown..(4)c?a? 17d look, like a shrinking... ...
28a its on your laptop alone,or smartphone.. take your pic(10)???e?w???t 2d.. must be one who says theres money to burn in the bank(6)???l?r 22a sure, tis deadly sinful to be called an animal(5)???t?
16d ...and difficult in ascertaining whats going down(4,2,4)??r?,??,???? 27a how one sets aside for another time.. like such tags and nags(8)??r????? 2d how one calculates with no numbers... ...
18a.. being so sceptical as this one,namely- being gospel(1,8,6)a,??????n?,t????? 8a foxtrot , my foot,fox-run at the gallop...(4)???t 9a ... thatd come with thiss------------n.(4,6)open,s????? 11a... ...
16d add to whats singularly,not there as you singularly do here,(3,3,3)??l,?t?,e?a? ( its says 3,3,3, but grid has 10 letters in it?? 15a limited intellegence?(4)i??? ( is it... ...
24d get the job done to get desired result(2,3,8)?o,???,?????e?s 7dcant really call them squares, where society snobs would onlt be seen in(4,2,7)?e?t,??,??????? 18a boil ove, youd go, after... ...
28a ... cleaned up by the carpetbagger, perhaps?(8)h??????? 9a.. unable to see things in front of your nose(10)??r??????? 14d he has to become the fourth musketeer(5)a????