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6D It fills the eyes of young Einsteins! (8) ???????T 9A other-wordly estrangement (10) A?I???????. Thank you in advance...
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4d half the country will do with the Parish Priest rising to it(4)?i?p 19d a capital character to hold" the hill"?(8)??d?i??? 16d getting on relatively well as it happens(7,3)g?o?i?g,??? 26d awesome.....
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stuck in last corner 14d not the same(7) ?I???a? 15d previously (7) ?r???d? 21a sailing ship (6) ?a???? thank you...
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18a under which the black knight may well have won the day(5,2,8)?a?e?,of darkness 20a nothing should come from such afutile intent to harm(4,6)?h?e,t?r??? 29a a friend usually at the end in...
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18d confident, sure to happen(7)??r?a??
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23d board game in which the aim is totake over the opponents territory(5)h?l?a
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10 a airborne automobile? (5,3)?a???,car 11a the cinema was hercalling- all set out for her(6)s?e??? 7d german gunner? Elizabeth is up to nothing(4)?z??...
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equal chance youd end up equal the other way!(4,5)?v?n,?r??? 21a ambience of gold linked with egyptian god(4)a?r? 11a a non-trier... though on for it?(3,3)n??,?f?...
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1d fetch ramsey endlessly in order to become one on RTE One(6,4)?a???r, chef 4d extra read all about the genuine article!(4,4)?e??,?e?l 10a the real existence initially solved, heavenly(8)???e?e?? 23d...
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25a The sky's the limit for such a heavenly craft (6) ?????s 26a/27d In no hard disguise, hard as nails it lies inside (4,4) ??A? - H?N?...
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14d influence by trickery(7)?e?u?h? ( the h could also be a c
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5d what ruined rome first? (9)?I?e?t??? 6d do they serve it up to the legal fraternity too? (3,5)?a?,s???? 7d theyre out of the ball park- like being hit for six(4,4)?o?e,r?n?...
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10a Secret Service skinhead eased out when sized up (8)?c???s?d
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5d Which Welsh player is the top points scorer so far in this year's Six Nations ?A?F?E?N? 4d Complete Absolute total U???R Thanks all...
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better later.... this maintenance facilitator?(5-4)?f???-?a?? they still lionise him as the original american hero...(6)???e?? shabby as a shaggy dog!(4,2,4)?o?n,??,?e?? the senselessness of the...
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Loss of virginity(10)????v?m?n? Conduct (10)?????t?e?t voluntary(8)??????l?...
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Inflammation and swelling of a lymph node(4) ?u?o
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27a musical piece composed around the year of our lord?(10)????n?d? 27d long neck?check(4)??e? 24d label fit for the iron?(5)???n?...
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21a grid 2 temporary transfer(10)s??o?d?e?t...
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9a oh dear, we hear. game on!!(6,4)??e?,starts 3d theyve got to be known to get ahead in the main...(5)???e? 29a didnt it bring coal to newcastle?(4)l?n? 8a behold me in poor standing(4)?i?c...

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