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1. Connection to a hundred ( 5 ) 2. Initially, two hundred Edwardian warships ( 3, 5) 3.Red or white for the officer ( 10 ) 4. Couch crossing ( 7 ) 5.Grace in cow ( European ) ( 7) 6. Gain boy who is... ...
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granny grump
Trying to get Dec quizzes out of the way.In the middle of a move, recovering from  knee replacement and trying to get ready for Christmas. PLease can you help with the following 9. Searching... ...
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Hi all. 16D Filibusters with structures associated with connemara.  ?T?N?W?A?LS thanks in advance. 
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Any help with the last one please. The answer is a town in Great Britain and Northern Ireland ; 10 letters.  8.  Hide the cat on board. Thanks. 
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When I turn the engine on, it starts, then cuts out. This happens each time. RAC said he can't find anything wrong and I'll need to take it to a garage 🤷. I asked him if he thought it was worth... ...
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Good morning everyone - sorry for all the mixups, maybe I'm getting too old 🤔 but as twix correctly pointed out, we still had a weekend to go with November, however just to confuse you, we'll... ...
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Impact Aid c/d 6-12-24  I may not be seeing the obvious and would appreciate help. The question is "Is that all" and the answer is a 5 letter word which must include one of these IMP,ACT, or AID... ...
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Hi, all!   Another lousy week for me in the main quiz, with just TWO out of seven this time around:   I did a bit better in the junior version though,... ...
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If you view with care, much will be revealed. Answer is a zoo animal or creature.   Thank all for any help. I'm stumped.
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Missing two answers:

12. The O 1/2 35. 1st C by FO'C Any help appreciated
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where letters of flour are present, they are given   2. a short douglas feels a bit hollow in his middle! (8) -ou---u- 3. a strange young child, but sweet and a little tipsy (3,4) RU-/---- 22. the... ...
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This one is mine (9)  Answer is a girls name, not given any letters
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2d Singer having a note to remove (5) ????E              I originally had TENOR for this but not sure now 9a Be common returning backchat about claim (7) ??????L 13a Awfully nrrow-minded dismissing... ...
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1a Fish caught by bore (4) ??T? 10a Narrative about large town abridged (5) ??C?? 18d Served up bad duck and fruit (5) ??i?? 15a Tons  eaten by male deer around large valley (6) ???A??   Thanks in... ...
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13a. Avoid trouble, just leave it closed (1,3,2,5]                   24a Checks and scrutinised for correctness(4,1,4,4) Many thanks 
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All questions and answers relate to the colour green. This one is "termly tree" and has 6 letters....
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1. Capital loses a letter then grows (7,7) 2.queens Christmas special was when (4) 3. Finish with a tiny bit (6) 4. Scottish whiskey (5) Think no. 4 might be grouse but not sure. Thanks in advance for... ...
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A few months ago, I got a job in the delivery service of my local beer factory. The first week of working, I bought three of the same overalls from the Dutch army with a thick fabric because they... ...
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Recently visited a friend after a very long time. I knew she had kids, but they were most certainly too young to remember me when a first saw them. After arriving at her home and being welcomed, i... ...
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16a Unruly bees do kiss plant capsule ? E?D?O?

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