Crusader10.6.13. 1acrs. Mobile unit remaking tent to a new design. Two words of 4 and 8. I have T?N? R???M?N? 9 dn. A gold structure captivates quiet, docile creature. one word of 6 letters. I have...
23 down the Serbian name for Belgrade b???r??
large and often ostentatious retail shops offering a wide variety of merchandise ?m????u?s many thanks in advance...
Daily Mail. 15.5.13. 29 across. Puddings sent back under pressure. 8 letters. ???E?S?? 31 across. U.S. store returned deposit in plane in Scotland. 8 letters. ???A?O?? 6 down. Broadcast journeys'...
Daily Mail. 30.4.13. 11 across. Old member enters poor score.? He usually scores well. 8 letters.?O?P???R 3 down. No movement in old secret police society 6 letters. ?T?S?? 18 down. Cryptic clue for 2...
Daily Mail. 10.4.13.
I'm stuck on two.
25 across. The sort of chance I have to get rid of stones ?4 letters ???M
26 down.Roughly 11 cut bank. 1 word of 5 letters. ??V?E
Thanks in advance...
Daily Mail 1.4.13 25 across. Find unqualified workers working.3 words. 3.5.2. 10 down. Sane politician baffled by crazy economists . 2 words 6.6.Could it be Common Market ? 28 across. National PM once...
Express Crusader 28.3.13 9 down. Canal inspector turned out to be useful in the office. 2 words 7.7. 17 across. Hard stuff unsettles gent, unfortunately.2 words. 8.5.letters. 7 down. Convert writing...
18d birdsof prey that nest in marshes and open land 3 8 ??? ??R??E?S and 21a Comis character usually reresented in diamond pattern tights and black mask 9 letters ?I?L?Q???
Crusader. 21.3.13.
9 down. Counsellor with a nose for a solution. 14 letters. I have got ?R?M?T?E?A?I?T I believe it has something to do with Promethius
Thanks in advance....
Daily Mail. 15.3.13. 2 down. Hack's scooping smut and lies everywhere except Spain. 6-9 letters. G?S??? C?L?M?I?E 27 across. Figure of witch in the past at end of garden, 7 letters. H???G?N 26 across....
D.Mail. 13.3.13.
22 down. Very old 16 upset shot at Wimbledon. 6 leters. ?O?L?E
All I can come up with is BOULLE, which is to do with marquetry.
Thanks in advance....