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Thanks for clogging up this section.
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Why can't/won't you do something about bagel clogging up all the categories with his/her poxy quiz questions? As bagel has no input at all with sensible questions why not just remove bagel?
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To fill a bunch of bellies, this good man transformed something military into something culinary. Tell us his name and send in a picture of this eating innovation.
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If you?re standing at the oche, throwing bombs at the black dog, what are you doing?
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This crooner was out to build a resort his way and so he did-a place that sprawled across two states. Who was he and what were the two states?
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She was six feet tall, liked whisky and bad cigars and, according to local newspapers, broke more noses than anyone in Montana. But she always got the mail through. Who was she?
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Send us a picture of the Cheyenne Trail monument that will either tickle your fancy or make you blush. Be sure your picture includes the monuments inscription.
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Try all you want, you?ll never get a ?Colorado Mockingbird? to sing. Give us the name of this stubborn ?bird?.
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They say Texas courts are tough, but according to some, this innocent little guy proved to be tougher. He managed to survive 31 years without food and water and hardly any air. Who, and what, was he?
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Just because they live in Nothing doesn't mean they can live on nothing. So to earn something, these folks work at what thing?
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A Utah man drives a wagon 30 feet across the flats. He yells "Gee ho!" and then drives the wagon 30 feet. He yells "Haw!" and then drives the wagon 10 feet. He yells "Whoa!" How far is the man from...

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