I wasn't sure where to post this, so I hope its in the correct place ! What does everybody think of the powers of completely inert crystals to heal our many ills ? According to this site, crystals can...
Remembrance your special day and occasion with the attraction of quintessence Flowers and amazing Gifts. Send Flowers to Singapore at reasonable price through Florist in Singapore and scattered the...
it's nothing serious,and the doctors say I'm going to make a full recovery. I must warn you, though, the Dyson Ball Cleaner has a very misleading name.
http://i59.tinypic.com/53u7q0.jpg Hi all, I was just curious, and I get a lot of different questions about my ethnicity. I am actually half Asian and half white. I'm curious to know which side I lean...
I have a completely irrational loathing of the word 'tummy'. As a child I had a (pot) belly and still today I refer to my belly or stomach.......never, ever tummy. I even recall being scolded in class...
Its a human trait to want to put a picture to a name. So how do ABers see each other? Going off ABers user names and posts, what picture of that user springs to mind? What else do you infer from said...
We are staying on a camp site near Hayle in Cornwall and every night flocks of geese fly over at about this time every night. They go in the same direction at around 7.30-8.00pm and fly in formation,...
I missed my dental appointment today. It was just a check up, and somehow I got it into my head that it was tomorrow. God knows why because I know my dentist only works on a Tuesday and a Thursday. I...
I have some wallpaper coming unstuck and rolling back away from the wall, area approx 2 sq. metres. There are many kinds of glue and adhesive tapes available but I don’t know where to start. Can...
Click on the following link and copy paste : file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/AN16DV0-EVAL%20(3).pdf Describe the book cover from the next page. 1) First, identify the information you can read on the...
I made this yesterday, going as per recipe - it appeared to be going wrinkly on a cold plate, so I bottled it. However - this morning it still seems quite runny in the jar. Can I tip it back into the...
I have a very good friend with whom I share many interests and opinions. However, he thinks chatsites like this are a criminal waste of time, his main point being that in almost all conversations you...
I was recently told - by someone that I expected to know for sure - that if a potential employer sees a gap of more than a couple of years in your CV, they will automatically assume you've been in...