What things really annoy you about people when you start out in a new relationship (i.e. not at the stage where you've slept together - maybe at the first/second date stage)? For me, it's blokes that...
Hi, im getting my wedding blessed in August after 21 years of marriage and im wanting a romantic love song to be played while im walking down the isle, has anyone any good songs they think may be...
hi somebody told me about a crafts outlet place where you can buy cheap cardmaking materials. they said its near windermere in the lake district. its allegedly a factory shop type thing. does anyone...
what are the prices of food and drink like in gran canaria? Playa del ingles. Im a young lass needing some advice here! I have 445 euros for 7 full nights, will that be enough to give me a good night...
does anyone know of a website,where you can out in the names of two places and it will work out the distance and time from the two places ? i hope that makes sense.
Hi can anyone help me find some interesting facts about the name william, i.e famous wiliams, songs with william in title, other things called william, maybe cartoons or characters in books? im doing...
HI Ive just heard about new legislation that means if you are on a casual contract for so long, you become a permanent employee? Does anyone know about this or can send me to a website? Also, how do i...
I am untidy and really want to be tidy and organised. I'm sick of having to rush round tidying up when people say they are coming round, and i'm fed up of never being able to find anything! I really...
Hi Does anyone remember those black elastic necklaces, bracelets and rings you could get that looked like a tattoo but were elastic? I would like to find them, you used to be able to get them in...
hi, Could someone please help me out. I'm taking part in a musical and we have been asked to apply fake tan. I bought mine from asda. It is a cream one which you rub into your skin and it develops in...
I am in a total rut. Am a lone parent trying so hard to get back to work. Managing the house and children by myself. But my motivation has totally gone. Drinking too much alcohol in the evenings. And...
I've been eating a lot lately, non-stop.. Im not sure why either. I noticed I've put on about 6 lbs in the past 2 weeks. Does anyone know what the problem might be? Or a good diet? How to avoid eating...
I guess this was the closest category i can find, on the radio station city fm, they have a fictional doctor on in the morning who tells tales of 'strange and sinister deaths' does anybody know what...
I wondered if someone could enlighten me (if you will pardon the pun!!) on what the * means placed next to slices of toast and bread roll. I have just downloaded the Slimmers World free 7 day trial,...
Me and my friends were discussing this the other day: which single square foot piece of land has the most amount of human beings ever stood in the history of the world? (obviously not at the same time...