How many of you haggle when you buy something? In the past month I have successfully haggled in PC World, a jewellers and an antiques shop. I have to mention I am from Yorkshire and therefore it is a...
I saw a snippet in the papers this morning about pensioners having to pay £30 per night when they go into hospital, anyone heard anything about this, and why just pensioners?...
There are thousands of relgions and cults in the world.
Christianity alone has 41,000 How can any of them claim any validity.
We have recently moved to a more rural location, I've always been fascinated by birds, their song, nesting habits, courtship etc. However I experienced a new nocturnal song, hard to describe really,...
Hi my name is wesley aka WAFFLESMASHER and i will be scouring the internet to test and smash any on old wives tales, urban myths and other assorted waffle that we're supposed to swallow and believe...
a question for the theists. (for ' god' read 'any and all gods') If there is a god, he's certainly had a good innings - he's has almost total devotion for centuries. well now, he hasn't any more...... I think it was the right decision. He has to pay all the money back,...
Any ideas for the answers 1. The German includes a hit 2 A sheet statin circulates circulates for this number 3 the sound of 100 birds,loses a point 4 Lithium.osmium and radium homogenised for this...
a. Introduce main characters b. Give background information c. Establish the theme or main idea of the play d. Prepare the audience for what is to come I am reading Romeo and Juliet in school and I...
I was very involved in local theatre for many years until OH took ill. Recently I was asked if I would help out with the front of house...selling programmes, raffle tickets etc.. After a few seconds...
Yesterday was introduced to a chap who I last met at school some 60 years ago when he was called Ralph. His name is now pronounced "Raif". Anyone know any other name transformations?...
my friend has asked me to help her find a song from a musical - preferably one she has never heard before. She has to speak it as a monologue for a drama exam. She's done it before and it helps if...
Help needed please 3) Live Not jackets (7) 4) Members of the Primula family (8) 9) Microwave heated to soothe our aches (5) 12) Meadow plants (4,7) 14) Canine assistant (8) 15) Colourful extras in the...
Can anyone please help with a few fruity answers no. 2 Jump for beer ,no. 4 Cream Eastern pottery ,no. 9 Name given to a single product state , no. 10 Sounds like a busybody . No amount of letters...
After he'd hung round the kitchen for ages grumbling and getting in my way as I cooked, my dear one vanished just as the food was going on the plate, I had to go out, and found him topping up the car...
So Britain has become a more peaceful place in the last 10 years And it's an...
Cryptic,anagrams or hidden words - all answers are birds. Example - rouse the cat = kittiwake 1. A leftie broom handle ( 8 letters ) 2. Fight with a line ( 7 letters ) 3. A kind of aircraft ( 7...