Stuck on a few................. 4d Rival of Athens region in South Africa(6) ???R?? 10a Uncivilised lot parents a strangely unknown quantity(9) ??A?????Y 6d Light entertainment provided here(4) ???R...
1d. Extremely physically disruptive on losing a point.? That's off the spectrum. (11)u?t?a?????t. 5d One can envisage gym class turning up in Swords(5)E?e? 13a. Exclamation beloved of Scottish owls....
10a. Bud Streets included in A to Z book (10)
5d. Toy you shouldn’t have received having broken the speed of sound(10)
16d. In singularly drink induced disorder welcom bread for Laureate (8)...
Avoid escape 3/3/2 letters
Enter great Britain why just passing 5/2 letters
Church services for the common people those ungrammatical fool's 3/6 letters
10a Canopy closing off border for three months(9) T?I???T?? TRIMESTER Why?
6d Drop tools here, maybe? S???
12a Like that, gangsters less good(4) ?H?? THUS Why?...
Cannot get brain in gear for 21 Let’s cite memo, mistaken about European court, in parliamentary group (6,9) Nor 9 Boldly come in and carry on about revolt (14) Could I just check that 3D was lead...
Stuck on two...............
17a Call up about lifting mechanism(6) P???E?
18d Deflated and sad after service thats not quite right(3,4) ??T ?O?N LET DOWN??
Thanx in advance...