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tug 3/7/5 ??...
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6a conceal a small dam on the racecourse as it were sm???er 8d a champion all rounder captain of a test playing side ?ol?er...
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1d She wrote my bent oiler off. (2 words)
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Stuck on a few................. 4d Rival of Athens region in South Africa(6) ???R?? 10a Uncivilised lot parents a strangely unknown quantity(9) ??A?????Y 6d Light entertainment provided here(4) ???R...
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Why is the answer to 12(a)tornado The clue is terrible current cost to bear when China defeated fiasco ends. Many thanks...
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1d. Extremely physically disruptive on losing a point.? That's off the spectrum. (11)u?t?a?????t. 5d One can envisage gym class turning up in Swords(5)E?e? 13a. Exclamation beloved of Scottish owls....
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28A stringed instrument? No thanks. Old Latin American instrument (5) I have G?I??. Is it GUIAR as in guitar with no “t”?...
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10a. Bud Streets included in A to Z book (10) 5d. Toy you shouldn’t have received having broken the speed of sound(10) 16d. In singularly drink induced disorder welcom bread for Laureate (8)...
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3d Believe in West Man pairing from the beginning - I have a-a-/and/-v-
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7d. Gustav on as a comedian somewhat upset Giacomo (8)
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Avoid escape 3/3/2 letters Enter great Britain why just passing 5/2 letters Church services for the common people those ungrammatical fool's 3/6 letters Thanks...
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15a Wanting to lay hands on missing book 4 *E*S TIA...
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20d Carved 2s arrived with sailor 6 c?m?o? My Thanks for helping...
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12a sailor with Goth's cargo on deck HA?OT
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Late today! Think I may have some wrong!!! 10d)...???G?ED...Complex text back in italics 11d)...M??N?NG...Maybe Tom embraces a girl over objections...
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21a on the way, like oil I have in the ?????i?e If I knew the answer, I might be able to complete 16 and 22 down....
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10a Canopy closing off border for three months(9) T?I???T?? TRIMESTER Why? 6d Drop tools here, maybe? S??? 12a Like that, gangsters less good(4) ?H?? THUS Why?...
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Cannot get brain in gear for 21 Let’s cite memo, mistaken about European court, in parliamentary group (6,9) Nor 9 Boldly come in and carry on about revolt (14) Could I just check that 3D was lead...
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7d scorer to do what setters do without _a_t_k - can't figure it at all - last entry.
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Stuck on two............... 17a Call up about lifting mechanism(6) P???E? 18d Deflated and sad after service thats not quite right(3,4) ??T ?O?N LET DOWN?? Thanx in advance...

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