1. Theatrically speaking, he's constantly on the move when working (5-7) ---n--h---e- 2. Put a mark on the envelope that's open (5) ----k 3. Potentate plants tree in Pennsylvania (5) -a--- 4. In the...
A tough one today! Last one (may be 2) that I just can't get.. 1d ground mace regularly showing up to some extent (3) r?l The l comes from 8a which I presume to be 'alto' nymph is female chorus part...
9a) Pirate of rough appearance picked up (7)
10a) Strings that may be pulled by number of professors (7)
25a) Last longer than unfashionable clothing. (7)
Thankyou for any help....
14d The answer is obvious, but does anyone follow "half set on a stool, we hear" or the correponding letters in the solution (which I can't reveal, as it would be a key to the theme!) ?
Could you help with these three please? 18 ac. Savour impertinence from sailors. (6,5) I have T_R_A_/_ _ _ _E and 5dn. Weak prescription to treat paw injury? (3,5) I have _ _ _/A_S_S and 1ac. I have a...