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Hello any help with these last two? 33a Marsupial known collectively as a mob or troop? 8ltrs K?A?A?A? 36a Common name for a papiliaeceous garden cottage plant in the pea family? 5ltrs L?P?N...
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This game has now closed and therefore I can reveal what 'Emperor Kawakiri' had chosen for his four links. They were: FIRST LOVE SWEET HEART CREDIT CARD GIFT TOKEN Even though three of those links...
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Good morning everyone - early start again, busy day ahead, well afternoon really, and we're off out to lunch first so getting the important things out of the way !! Will we have another cascade of...
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Have you ever walked out of a film? Which and why?
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Was just sat down to watch France v taken bad again..blues and twos to the western General on drips and machines....again....only been home 1 don't know when...
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This is 'Emperor Kawakiri'. Well here we are in week two and hopefully being a little more predictable with my link choices than I was last week. This week’s words are inspired by 'Hallmark' Day....
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Here are today's shaded clues for you - 24a Hit the ----; term for a level of fatigue that prevents a cyclist or runner from going any further [4] 33a Marsupial known collectively as a mob or troop,...
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Hi all have just heard from Mrs Owd and Owd is probably fairly tired, so he won't likely be on tonight. He had the camera procedure this morning and they have found an infection deep in his throat...
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This is 'Emperor Kawakiri', I’ll start off with some background details so you may get some idea from that what my challenge words might be. I am a Cheshire man born and bred and have not strayed...
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Good morning everyone - it's silly o'clock here and I'm getting an early start, lots to do when the weather's kind and I'll make the most of it before the heat comes back, that should be about Tuesday...
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40 hours on I am finally going to bed...pooped...Will be doing as little as possible bit better by time I left them..touch wood ...night all sleep well xxx
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Owd is in hospital for 2 days
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Our daughter [44] rang last week to say her partner had asked her to marry him, then suggested that as they were planning a o/s trip later this year, that they get married while away, They have been...
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Good morning all - today is our 'official' Oz day public holiday, it's mid-January and what's it doing .... raining !! small mercies, it's not snowing, but anyone who planned out-door celebrations are...
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Programme just starting on BBC1. Most pundits are going for Novak, the odd one for Andy. Make no mistake, the physicallity of this match will be brutal, maybe the tennis equivalent of the Rumble In...
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This is Queen Christiana, not quite so cheerful today, as this is my last week as setter of the MM Links. It is also the last leg of our Big Trip. Rules for guessing the links are in a separate...
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Good morning everyone - lovely mild weather for us for the time being, long weekend too, while we all celebrate Australia Day - prawns on barbies all over the place !! Lots and lots of possibles with...
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Federer & Murray BBC2 now...
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Im stuck here waiting for the floortile fitter to come. Weve had to delay it twice before Xmas due to the death of my MIL and then my Mother, and then we had a leak coming through the celing. I think...
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Good morning everyone - warm and sunny here this morning, but it's supposed to get hotter later, all in all though, this shouldn't be a bad week - just wait till next week when the schools reopen -...

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