37a folk legend involving stormy thunder (4) ---h 40d improve your performance especially if you are a high jumper (5,3,3) 38d Melbourne river or victorian wine region (5)
211a The A of AV (5) a---o 212dvalour (7,2) ---r-n- -o 298a cardiac lnk 211a The A of AV (5) a---o 212d valour (7,2) ---r-n--o 298a cardiac link (6) valve m-y--l...
willow swamp ($) c-rr blight (3) I thought it was rot but clue down is dreaming state which i make REMSLEEP thus I make first letter begins P I SEEM TO HAVE GONE WRONG SOMEWHERE
17d loose heat like a fire (3,4) die -o-w 65a typesof work written quickly for cash (10) 85a numbers like 1st,2nd,3rd,etc (8) o-d-aa-s 89 and 88a female newsreader a-n- -o-d