Its only early days yet but its 3 days now since i have had a cigarette, i cannot believe how much easier my breathing is, I know i have still got a long way to go but i am determined to do it, Can...
My cat has just turned one, i have always fed her whenever she seems hungry, She hangs around meowing as if she is starving but lately when i feed her she just seems to lick the jelly away and leave...
My Mum had a hip replacement 4 and a half weeks ago, she was wondering if it is normal for the hip joint to clonk when going upstairs and sometimes when walking?
Just been listening to this song but the dj didnt say who sung it, Does anyone know? the chorus goes like this, Baby your all that i want when your lying here in my arms, I"m finding it hard...
Did anyone watch the peter and jordan programme tonight on itv2, about their wedding, my friends think i"m soppy because i cried too, i thought it was rather romantic even tho critics say its...
do i need a passport to travel to dublin, ireland, i will be travelling from britain, i have been told that a birth certificate will be sufficient, but i do not believe this to be true, as other...