So they have disappeared. Very convenient. Proof if ever proof were needed that the 'moon landings' were faked in a large Tesco warehouse. The Japanese have subsequently landed on the moon, and all...
I know it's pretty unlikely, because of the distance, but can a goalkeeper score a goal by throwing the ball from his area, even if it doesn't touch another player?
pair in the next corner and so on untiI every pair in a corner is Iooking at another pair, how many monkeys couId say that they were Iooking at another monkey?
Last Saturday, one of my regular playing partners had a hole-in-one on a par 3. Today, I had an albatross 2, playing with the same person. Anyone out there with any similar "wow" golfing stories?
I know it's an easy question but it's one of those simple facts that I've forgotten! I want to see the meteor shower tomorrow night and have been advised to look north-east but have no compass so was...
am i the only one in the world to HATE big brother, i cant stand it, its the biggest load of c**p in the history of television. dont get me started on that silly **** nikki!!!!!