Please help! I need to know the function of 1. Bolus 2 Epiglottis 3. Salivary Gland 4. Slaviary Duct Response within few hours would be appreciated, thanks
I recently received literature from a Julian Barker racing service. Very professional package. But I suspect it is a con like most of these tipsters. As anyone had dealings with this one. (this is my...
On becoming a member of a golf club I will be entitled to acquire an official handicap. How is the handicap worked out ? Is it done on an average of a certain number of scores?
where does golf get its name from . and is it true it has 18 holes becuase you get 36 shots in a bottle of whisky and you are supposed to have a double at every hole
does adding salt to water lower or higher the boiling temperature, because when i add salt too nearly boiling water it comes too the boil straight away, i know the boiling point is affected by air...