I read today in the mail on sunday that bryan robson,(wba boss)had made certain comments that david beckham was not the right choice for captain at the world cup,he said and i quote,gerrard or terry...
I am thinking about going to see a medium. Could anyone reccomend any good ones preferably in the Essex area or in London. Also how much roughly do they charge? Can anything bad happen during the...
I was on the bus on Friday and was shocked that a mother sat and listened to her 3 year old coming out with the "F" word , Got to be honest i say S**T word now and again but even at 33 would be...
6yr old granddaughter: 'Is cold water heavier than hot water?' Granddad: 'Er...er...' 6yr old 'If it is, why is it?' Granddad: 'Er...er...do you want to watch Barney?'
I can't help thinking that the word lesbian is completely unnecessary. It just means the same as gay so what is the point of it. I hate when they say gay/lesbian cos they are the SAME.Also lesbian...
In your opinion is this 'Travel Guide' presenting an accurate portrayal of our society and culture? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4933278.stm i.e. "overweight, alcopop-swilling, sex-and-celebrity...
I know i'm going to sound really stupid now but oh well :P I'm writing an essay on how an actor playing a part in Macbeth should present their character, but (and here comes the dumb bit - drumroll...
I know you can use a bet calculator to work out how much you can get back on a bet with fixed odds - but I was wondering how it is worked out in the first place and the maths behind it. For example:...
What a sore loser Laurence is. I'll bet his living room floor is now littered with teddies thrown from his pram because his team didn't win (sorry - were soundly beaten). A shame really because I was...
I saw the white horse chalk carving in near Uffington, Oxfordshire today. It was a wonderful sight, but it got me thinking: why are these chalk carvings only found in the south of England? I go to the...