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I have been thinking about all the animosity that was here last night between people (although I was totally innocent guv, honest!), and trying to come up with a solution to the problem of t'internet...
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AB Editor
Thanks for your feedback Guys - I'd really like some more though! A quick clarification, or an answer to "Why?": *We were looking "scruffy" - we're trying to smarten up a bit. We...
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Hi all I recently travelled to turkey with my husband and daughter. Whilst we were there we lost a beach bag containing several items, once we discovered this was lost we went to the local police...
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I have just had a call offering me the job!!!You can all uncross your fingers now!! xx
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I wonder how he's feeling? x...
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Was just out in back garden and feeling really bloated after drinking coke all day and just let out an almighty f@rt lol. Then heard a cough from over fence, neighbour was out there having a fag ha ha...
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We are going to Turkey on holiday and are going self catering can any one tell me the price of food out there and is there anything to avoid.
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Im a lover of Alcohol and i also love ginger beer so i need to get me some of this. Have any of you tasted it? What do you think?...
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anyone else watched it? (itv) ive quite enjoyed it tonight , hes a nice fella, i like him... nice smile and twinkly eyes :o)...
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For all the people that earn a honest crust, wave the flags and cheer, at last a shake up in the Benefit system. Or do you feel its to late?
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stevie m
We are off to Turkey in a few weeks time and have conflicting info as too what currency other than travellers chq`s to take, one said Euro`s, another it doesn't matter £`s or €`s will do,...
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sorry i posted in animals about this monster, no way was i comparing him to an animal, as i am a dog lover and i would not insult animals comparing them with this vermin.
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i think this person is being given to much coverage on answer bank, yes we are all outraged at the thought of compensation for this monster, in a sane and perfect world this should never happen.

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