A week or two ago a picture came up in my memories on facebook. I want to find it again but when I go to the Memories section it just shows me memories on todays date. I think i used to have a On this...
I want to buy a card for a couple who are due to have their first baby. They have 2 dogs and I'm looking for a card that would reflect that somehow. But lots of my searches are coming up with new...
We are taking a last minute break in Gran Canaria for a week this weekend. I'm looking for a few tips on what not to miss while we are there. We like trying local food, drink and culture. Not so keen...
Thinking of taking a week in Gran Canaria in early November. I haven't been there before and I am looking for relevant personal experience of where to stay. We are a couple in our 50s with no children...
I have Sky tv and usually when a see a programme coming up that I want to watch I just hit series link and it is ready to record and then watch whenever I want. However there is a programme coming up...
I have been given an awful lot of tomatoes and want to make a lot of them into a tomato sauce that could be used to make spaghetti bolognese. Usually when making this I would take the skin off the...
I am making this chutney but I can't get it to thicken after adding the cornflour/mustard etc mix. It isn't breaking down and thickening as I would expect. It is floating around instead! Any ideas?...
I am having a problem backing up my iphone to my laptop. It will synchronise but not back up. I was wondering if it might help for me to delete and reinstall itunes. My last successful backup was on...
I am currently being innundated with crows! Even my 2 very determined terriers are a bit nervous of going out when there is an invasion! So I'm looking for ideas to deter them without scaring off the...
I regularly backup my phone (using itunes) to my laptop via a cable. However it isn't working at the minute. I am able to synchronise. but it says that backup fails. I have restarted both the laptop...
I was wondering if anyone on here has had a "total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy" ie removal of the womb, cervix, fallopian tubes (salpingectomy) and ovaries (oophorectomy)? I...
Under the Single Transferable Vote system is there any merit in placing a vote beside candidates that you dislike on the ballot paper? It makes sense to me to choose my first preference and then rate...
I am doing a Zoom conference later today and want to check that my laptop webcam is working. However I can't get it to open. My laptop is a HP and I have Windows 7 Professional. I can see 'HP HD...
We were with Staysure for our travel insurance which covered my husband for work travel to Europe, USA, Brazil etc. However they have stopped the work cover so I need to find a new insurer. Does...
My friend runs a small local support group and thy have been given the use of an allotment. Apart from a couple, most of the people do not have green fingers or much experience with...
Am I missing something obvious or is the Sky Q mini remote control hard to use? Not only does it have a rounded back which makes it annoyingly slippy, but it doesn't seem to have a button similar to...
I bought my father-in-law one of these for xmas. He has it all set up and many aspects are working eg weather forecast requests, but there seems to be a problem. When he asks some a lot of other...