As an example, clue -'Dark and Handsome' - answer - 'Black Beauty'. 1) Balderdash Publication 2) Chilly Prominence 3) The Ringing Pot 4) Barb Vertebrata 5) Ignite Copper Tallow 6) No holiday but a...
1) plant life in unending stream by artist 5 letters I have e- - - a 2)luxury in motor opulence shown principally by this 4 letters I have -i-- Any suggestions welcome
clue is: pure as the unfolding flower I have -u-h-a-e- so think it's an anagram of 'pure as the' which gives me 'euphrates' but don't get the unfolding flower bit.
Hi, my step grandchild is 20 months old and not yet talking at all. he has never made the usual 'babbling' sounds and has just two sounds which he makes 'urgh' and 'gah' - but uses these for anything....
His best feature was his golden Barnet. It was so perfect he once asked '''' The gap is the name of a football team. No clue as to number of letters. Anyone got any suggestions please?
1) famous racehorse loses right to gain new entry for low joint 5 letters 2) if you can't manage a foreign one you may be tempted to shout 6 letters An example is 'cheer and get this twice' the answer...
other answers include 'tall dark and handsome' and 'hung drawn and quartered'. This one is thought to be the means of enjoyment 4 5 3 4 Have drawn a blank with this - any of you bright sparks got any...
The answers involve sets of three things in some way. For examp;e, one other answer was 'tall dark and handsome' and another was 'births deaths and marriages'. 1) used in early mathematical...
1) who won the Secondary School top of the Form in 1949? 2) where was the 200th anniversary of the first excavation of a famous historical site celebrated? (I think this is Pompeii but can't find info...
I'm looking for a movie I can't remember the name of. It's French, somewhat weird and is about a brutal man whose wife is cheating on him. He finds out and kills her lover with his own book pages....
I have a 15 hour plane journey in April. I'm quite a nervous flyer so a friend suggested taking a sleeping tablet so I can sleep some of the way. A work mate reckons that a valium would be more...
but new university student trained artist to like a pipe 7 letters b-r-i-e I can't come up with anything. anyone got any suggestions (polite ones please!) thanks
I don't watch this (as I'm at work) but elderly friend has been watching it and has just rung me to ask who the guests were as she has forgotten already and it's driving her mad. Did anyone see it?...