Hey peepsies we have a visitor. http://imgur.com/gallery/jVkSKSV He just turned up today this morning and hasn't left even though I have been out many times. What shall I do? Looks like he has a GPS...
Donald Trump started his own new political party ? and chose his party leadership team with an aprentice type tv reality show would you watch it ? how popular do you think his party will be in 2024 ?...
I remember serving him when I worked at Boots on their photographic department, I don't think I've seen bluer eyes anywhere , I stuttered and asked Are you Robson Green? I was met with a dazzling...
I'm stuck on the following quiz question, and wondered if one of you clever quizzers can help me with the following: 95 When hot stunts score, there's confusion (2 words) The answers are associated...
. . . it's almost worth me getting Netflix just to hear an actor [i]finally[i] getting the Suffolk accent right! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-suffolk-55669002 9 out of 10 actors who...
I was reading the thread on Catholicism.... ANYWAY.... I see you both have family in Sligo..... from a gigantic Westlife fan like wee Tinkerbell here I always planned to go there one day... see if I...