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If my letters are correct! Clue ;- Angrily dined to excess (11) - N - E - - - R - - -...
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Actual words previously in time repeated (4) - E - T...
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If my letters are correct! Clue -:Very nearly included stone that is more expensive (6) - A - T - R -...
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Clue:- Sally rushed out having showed herself off (8) A - A - - - E -...
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Clue:-Wrongly interpret Frenchman with crazy ideas about revolutionary leader (7) M - - - E - D The fourth letter will be the start to the next clue Clue :- Good breeder but not a champion (6) - - - B...
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Clue:- Hear he left dispute with missile (5) A-R-- ARROW? Clue:-Notice fellow in advertising business (5) A-M-- ADMAN? If these are correct then what is the final one Clue:-Lack of energy in season...
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Clue;- Start from yonder to deal with situation appropriately (4,2,4,5) T-K- I- - - - - - - - R - Take it from there?...
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If no mistakes are made! Clue: Dickensian James found bullock on river in Scotland (10) - - E - R - - - T - Clue: English artist coming from said wood (5) H I - - -...
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Sumptuous picnic at Easter for example (7,5) M????L? FEAST...
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One organised and obtained this Latin style of architecture (3-6) N - O - - - H - C Neo gothic? If so then this clue ends in O Hempen matting also on display (6) - A - - - O...
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With this one is unable to see nautical block (7) D - A - E - - In France I went before Sam the shopkeeper (8) - E - - - L - R...
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Last two but cannot think! 1.Workers' timely reward (4,3,3,3) - - - E,- O -,- - -,- - - 2.Allowance that increases the further one goes from the Equator (8) - - - - - - - E...
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External feature we initially removed from coats and jackets (5,3) O - T - R - A -...
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That is old news monarch's passed on (5,5,4) - U - E - A - N - S - E - -...
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Shapely game (9,5) - - - - - O -A - - - E - S...
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Being a frequent visitor, I name one duke with old hat (2,3,3) I - A - D - U - in and out?...
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Sharing out loan first , part of a part (11) S - B - I - I - I - - Subdivision Subdivising Subdivisive The last letter is the second letter in this answer Outstanding person receiving heavy blow (4) -...
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Estuary filthy,forced out (5,2,5) - - - - H - - - L - D -...
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14 d) Composer and violin virtuoso petro from Bergamo, composer of much music for his instrument (9) L?c?t?l?i
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Engineer having seconds here perhaps(4) - E - S...

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