I think this the the artists name - I believe one of their hits was Boxer Beat. I am looking for another of their songs but all I know is the title contains the word "Key" or "Quay". Can anyone help...
I wasn't able to get hold of thurs 15th and fri 16th papers and have filled in my list and cannot send it till i know what gift options were. Can anyone help me PLEASE!!
HELP??? I have just realised all papers for saturday 10th - tuesday 13th are now in the recycling lorry!!! Anybody out there know any of these 3 days wish lists?????? Thanks in advance
Hi can anyone please help me finish this quiz, they are all films. 23 As performed by the naked smurf 28 Beast Metal 32 Woman's Paintings 43 Complete Novices 78 French City 79 Fruit caused by anger 92...
I'm 17 years old, and i read alot compared to most people my age, my favourite author is Steven King, i have read all of his books... (i think), and i adored his 'The Dark Tower' series... its just im...
Can anyone help? I am stuck on one:- Any 2-word combination that leads to only one web-page on the internet search engine, google? (Answer begins with the letter G)