Would putting a few bricks in the bottom of my oven reduce the time it takes to heat to cooking temperature by reducing the amount of space that needs heated? Would this also reduce the amount of...
Sitting in the bath recently, I watched a spider descend from the ceiling for a distance of well over 3 feet - presumably producing it's thread of web as it came. It then decided to climb swiftly back...
When were choc-ices first available, and who invented them?
For anyone who may not know, choc-ices are a rectangular block of ice cream surrounded by a layer of chocolate.
Why do home made Indian meals never taste as good as the ones you get in a restaurant or take-away? Even when you follow the recipes from Indian cook books to the letter they just do not taste as...
You don't hear much about sea serpent sightings these days, compared to the hundreds of reported sightings over the previous centuries. Are they still being seen?
Why do moths come into my bathroom at night and then just sit still for several days until they die? They seem to have no urge to mate, eat or anything else. Does not seem like a very good...
At what point is a plant 'alive', or 'dead'? They do not have a pulse, or breathe, so how can we tell when they are dead? Are seeds, or vegetables 'alive', because they are capable of growing?
If an astronaut was to light a candle in a space-craft. what shape would the flame be? Would it be the same as on Earth - or would the lack of gravity effect it's shape?